What is the secrete of meditation?

What is meditation? How to do meditation? What are the benefits of meditation? What is the secrete of meditation? All these questions are answered in following video:

What happens in Meditation - New user experience

There are two hindrances to mediation. First is Body and second is Mind.

How to go beyond body? For that first you have to choose a very comfortable seating posture. You can also seat on chair. Seat very relax & close your eyes. After some time, in some parts of body, pain starts or some where itching starts. What is to be done in such conditions? If pain or itching starts, just observe it from distance, like you don't have any relation with it. If you keep patience, the pain or itching will stop automatically after some time. You have to do practice for this regularly. After some days of practice you will reach the state of complete comfort & will have no pain or itching. If you can also maintain the same time & place, then that also helps in meditation.

Once you are comfortable with body then comes the mind. What happens with mind? You flows with thoughts. You identify your self with thoughts & flow wherever they take you and you forgets that you are doing meditation. In between you remembers that you are doing meditation and you start separating your self from thoughts. You try to view the thoughts from distance. For fraction of seconds you view the thoughts from distance and again you get involved with thoughts and start flowing with them. This process of flowing with thoughts and remembering about meditation repeats number of times.

In this case it is important to note that when you are flowing with thoughts, you are not doing meditation. When you are watching your thoughts from distance at that time only you are doing meditation.

What is Enlightened State / Self Realized State?

Following video shows some of the qualities of Enlightened / Self Realized state. These qualities are not to be achieved forcefully but those should emerge from you naturally. If you achieve these qualities forcefully then it will be the work of the mind and will not be a permanent state. Where as these qualities emerge when you go beyond mind. The path to go beyond mind is Meditation.

Importance of Meditation in Self Realization

When you listen, you are not listening. When you speak, you are not speaking. When you see, you are not seeing. Then who is doing all these activities? Your mind is doing all these activities. Mind is always there between you and the truth. You perceive anything through mind and mind always play the role of diluting the truth.

You may have noticed. Number of times it happens. When some one says something, you starts quarreling and the front person keeps on telling that he have not said anything like that. But you say I have listened it.

Not what happened above. When some one have said something to you. You have listened after processed by mind and you have not listened what the front person actually said. The mind played the spoil sport. This happens in all activities.

So how to get free from this mind? What is the problem?

The basic problem is that of attachment with mind. You consider that you are mind. But in reality mind and you are different. You are not mind. Therefore you say my mind. You don't say I am mind.

How to break this relationship with mind?

Meditation is useful to break this relationship with mind.

How meditation is useful to break this relationship?

In meditation you have to seat down or if required or comfortable, you can also lay down. Close you eyes and just observe the mind.

Basically what is mind? Mind is a bunch of thoughts. So you just have to observe your thoughts. Don't say this is good thought, I liked it or this is bad thought I hate it. Just observe from long distance, such as you are observing traffic on the road from your window. Once you start observing the mind from distance, the relationship with mind starts breaking. Because you are not supporting the mind, you are just observing.

This is one of the method of meditation. There are number of methods of meditation. You can choose the one best suits to you.

To clarify the meditation concept in more details visit this link. You can also download meditation e-books for free.


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